You've signed up now what?? Paparazzi provides us with an excellent resource for our business... A Replicated Website. When you signup, your website link will look something like this: (Ex. You have the option to personalize your weblink to show your personal name/business name. Mine is as follows:
Check out the below images that show you how to make the change:
1. Log into your Back Office and mouse over your beautiful picture in the top right corner :-). You will then see a drop down Menu where you will select My Profile.
2. Click EDIT MY PROFILE on the left side of the screen. You'll then see a form field that says Replicated Site. Mine already has my name in their but yours should have your consultant ID. Even when you swap your CID for your name, the CID will also always work. I can still use even though I've changed it to my business name. Don't forget to click SAVE at the bottom of the fields after you've made your change. Easy peasy!!
You change it to promote Joining you in the Business – (just add /join/). Again, easy peasy. :-)